

 Today New Vision in its news today published a story indicating that Prof Wasswa Balunywa has been renewed, Profs contract expired on 31st May 2023 and he was replaced with Prof Muhwezi Moses PIC1:1 The expiry of his contract had brought so many controversies as students were asking whether his contract would be renewed, Prof Wasswa is the most loved Tutor in mubs because of his love for students, Most of the students are congratulating him upon his re appointment,  this was seen on most of their statuses and official social media accounts PIC 1:2 We as EAZI ON MEDIA would like to congratulate Prof ahead of his reappointment and wish him a successful term in office.  


Established in 1922 as a humble technical school, Makerere University is one of the oldest and most prestigious English Universities in Africa. In January of that year, the school, which was later renamed Uganda Technical College, opened its doors to 14 day students who began studying Carpentry, Building and Mechanics. The College soon began offering various other courses in Medical Care, Agriculture , Veterinary Sciences and Teacher Training. It expanded over the years to become a Center for Higher Education in East Africa in 1935. In 1937, the College started developing into an institution of higher education, offering post-school certificate courses. In 1949, it became a University College affiliated to the University College of London, offering courses leading to the general degrees of its then mother institution. With the establishment of the University of East Africa in June 29, 1963, the special relationship with the University of London came to a close and degrees of the Univer